a virtual book event
steampunk driven
July 28-30, 2011
SteamBoyz = YA steampunk stories with (mostly) YA male protagonists
W E L C O M E !
Salutations on this most glorious day!
This event invites you to interact in a steampunk world via comments.
Please DO feel free to create a male persona and sign-off with said name with your comments.
i.e. Dr James Ambrose Verne
To enhance the play also include and share feelings, thoughts and ideas prompted by the various posts. You can be fanciful and full of malarkey ;-D
i.e. Dr Verne wipes his brow with his monogrammed handkerchief as he considers which bouquet of flowers to select for his sweetheart.
Begin NOW and tell me your steampunk persona name with brief background and/or appearance description in comments.
i.e. Dr Verne enjoys walks in the park with his antique carnival glass knob cane.
Meanwhile, in the following posts you will meet a Mr Edward P. Quinn. A young handsome lad of two and twenty who is home in London from University during the summer months. He will guide you through the next 3 days in his world of steampunky ideas and inventions.
Schedule of events:
details and links will be filled in after posted
per usual links are also on the sidebar
History: SteamBoyz 2010
Future: Teaser
Book List
Tea and Scones
- Ganymede by Cherie Priest
More Tea and Cupcakes
- The Steampunk Detective by Darrell Pitt
Klockwerks, perhaps?
Want it: All Men of Genius by Lev Rosen
Watch out: Empire of Ruins: The Hunchback Assignments 3 by Arthur Slade
Watch out: Goliath by Scott Westerfeld
Watch out: Soulless (manga) by Gail Carriger
Watch out: Steampunk Gear, Gadgets, and Gizmos A Maker's Guide to Creating Modern Artifacts by Thomas Willeford
Guest post: The Atomic Weight of Secrets by Eden Unger Bowditch
Guest post: Shiewo and the Majestic Swarm by Ciye Cho
- Shiewo by Ciye Cho
Guest post: Welcome to the Sherwood Six by Jessica McHugh
- The Sky: The World by Jessica McHugh
Giveaway: The Atomic Weight of Secrets by Eden Unger Bowditch
Giveaway: Shiewo by Ciye Cho
Giveaway: The Sky: The World by Jessica McHugh
Announcement of winners: for Aug 14 deadline around Aug 18
* image source cover of All Men of Genius by Lev AC Rosen