a fiction project
by Jenka Gurfinkel
Behold: behind the keyhole, some foof...
Description from story site:
Alice is now in her 20s, just out of college, and falling down the rabbit-hole working as an assistant in the film industry. Until she lands in the wonderland of LA's underground circus.
Like the original Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, mirrorLAnd has 12 chapters, which will be released online in serialized installments.
Each chapter release will also incorporate the works of various musicians, fashion designers, and artists whose creations have influenced both the story and the subculture from which it emerged.
Hopefully, by connecting the story with the unique Los Angeles culture that has inspired it, the line between fiction and reality will blur just a little bit.... that, after all, is how it is here in mirrorLAnd.
For each chapter, look on the other side of the mirror for free music and special discount codes.
Start reading this online fiction story here.
* FOOF - Feast On Online Fiction is a feature where I share free online serial fiction created by fellow bloggers some of whom are established authors.