Alice felt a wet nose similar to her cat, Dinah. Although this was different it was a bit larger and there were 3 or 4 of them prodding her from different directions.
Alice could not get yet open her eyes as she felt quite groggy.
When last we saw her she was caught by a tractor beam on her way up into an alien spacecraft.
The prodding and the howling stopped and instead Alice listened to the strange conversation about her.
Is it her? -Sharina
A bit worse for wear, but I think so. -Sophie
How do you think she came to be here? -Laila
Sharina shrugged. We parted ways from her months ago in Wereland.
Yes, she could not have gotten this far into WhoLand so fast even if she herself was a were creature. -Sheila
Perhaps, she was magicked? -Sophie
In any case, I think this is a sign. Apparently she is to accompany us during our journey into this land. Are we in agreement to take her along if she so chooses? -Sheila
At this point of the story, our heroine, Alice, reanimates (like a zombie) with a flutter of her eyelids and a wiggle of her toes she enters the conversation.
I'm game.
Alice! Wha??? -all around
She speaks -Sharina
You're awake! -Laila
You've been dead to the world since we've come across you this day! -Sophie
What brings you to WhoLand? -Cinder
Well, I don't quite know. I don't remember anything except for a green light and rising up over the clouds.
And, now, I'm here. -Alice
Are you injured? -Sheila
How do you feel? -Cinder
Feel? a bit woozy.
and legs
and turns her head right
and turns her head left
and raises her head up
and lowers her head down
and moves her head all-around.
I believe, I'm in tip-top shape. -Alice
That's a relief.-Sharina
So, we are reunited. -Sheila
Dear reader,
Would you like to join this merry band?
If so, be prepared to comment here
and comment there
and comment every which way and where
and you're sure to win a giveaway during this most who-ish event ;-D
But, firstly,
Contest has ended - winner is here
* Read about the first meeting between Alice and Sheila's pack and about the quest.
Sheila, alpha leader
* image source: Shroom1 by Ave Rose at the Hive Gallery
Visit the Alice in Wonderland themed show at The Hive Gallery in Los Angeles, March 5-26, 2011.