Now here's a super cute zombie game with a super cute theme song!
Description from Big Fish Games:
Zombies are invading your home and are after your brains!
Thankfully, you have your arsenal of plants to defend you in Plants vs. Zombies!
Armed with a garden full of peashooters, melon-paults, and cherry bombs, you`ll need to think fast, and plant faster, to stop the different types of zombies dead in their tracks.
Obstacles like a setting sun, creeping fog, and a swimming pool add to the challenge and make sure the fun never dies in this addicting Action/Arcade game!
-Hilarious characters
-Unlockable challenge modes
-Protect your brains!
Sampler: play it for free.
Sale: $6.99
Wanna a win your own cute copy?
Open to all.
Offer ends: February 27, 2011
Tell me which other game at Big Fish Games you would be interested in playing.
AND, leave your email (if I don't already have it)
Contest has ended - winner is here