virtual book event
February 21-22, 2011
T H A N K S ! for visiting during this February zombies event.
Make sure to come by next month for Zombie Survival, March 28-30!
Please note all giveaways end February 27, 2011 unless specified otherwise.
THANKS TO: Authors, Publicists and Publishers for Book Giveaways & Guest posts
Pat the Zombie: A Cruel (Adult) Spoof by Aaron Ximm and Kaveh Soofi
It's Okay to be a Zombie: An Unchildren's Book by Nathaniel Lambert
Zombie Cupcakes: From the Grave to the Table with 16 Cupcake Corpses by Zilly Rosen
Zombie Felties: How to Raise 16 Gruesome Felt Creatures from the Undead by Nicola Tedman and Sarah Skeate
Special thanks to sponsor:
Big Fish Games
Special thanks to fellow bloggers:
Freda of Freda's Voice