by E. Van Lowe
Release date: September 2011
Author E. Van Lowe needs your help in choosing the cover for his new novel Boyfriend From Hell. To entice you into entering, he's giving away some awesome swag. The contest is easy. All you need to do to qualify is choose which of the three covers below you like best.
Blurb from author:
Have you ever had a boyfriend from hell?
You know the kind: guy who messes with your life so much he turns it into Swiss cheese. Or maybe he was the guy who followed you home like a lost puppy, then turned into the pit bull you couldn't get rid of, no matter how hard you tried. Or maybe he was abusive.
I'm sure we've all had a bad boyfriend or two (or girlfriend in my case). My new novel, Boyfriend From Hell, is about a boyfriend from hell--literally. It's a YA paranormal like Never Slow Dance With A Zombie, but I've cut back on the comedy a bit in this one. It's the story of Megan Barnett, the fifteen year-old daughter of a 39 year-old single mom, Suze. When Suze decides it's time she had a man in her life, Megan is not happy. With good reason:
"First off, if anyone in my family should be dating, it should be me. I'm primo dating age here. How's it going to look if my mother has a boyfriend and I don't?" So Megan and Suze both set out to meet boyfriends. That's when all hell breaks loose.

Prizes: ARCs (when they are available in April) or a tee shirt. 2 prizes in all.
Open to all.
Offer ends: March 4, 2011
Of the three book covers above, which do you like best?
Tell me the answer and leave your email in comments.
On March 5th I will hold a random drawing of all who left a comment. There will be two winners who will receive their choice of an ARC or a tee shirt. I will email the winners and post the winning cover design on the blog.
Contest has ended - winner is here