Vampire Diaries
Episode 8
162 Candles
Thursday night on CW
Synopsis from TV Guide:
An old friend (Arielle Kebbel) visits Stefan on his birthday and she gives Elena some insight into dating him. Meanwhile, Caroline attempts to get Damon's medallion back from Bonnie, and Damon offers to help Sheriff Forbes, which leads to tragedy.
My quick bits:
There seemed to be more goth-like and dark scenes.
Neat-o to see that Lexi was stronger than Damon.
The locket continues to dazzle us with its protection spell.
LOL - when Carolyn tried to do a grab and go with the locket and she got zapped she asked
Are you wearing polyester?
So with all the kissing scenes we've seen with Stefan and Elena, we don't get a birthday kiss.
Amusing quote:
Am I shallow?
I want to be an abyss, deep.
Oh, I'm a kiddie pool. a kiddie pool.
Are you watching this show? and what did you think?
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*catching up with my vampire eye-candy segment
*for my Vampire Diaries challenge
*part of Ms V's Vampire Week
*don't forget to enter the Vampire Haiku giveaway offer this week