Vampire Diaries
Episode 12
Thursday night on CW
Synopsis from TV Guide:
Stefan and Damon attempt to learn the identity of a new vampire who arrives in town, and they accompany Elena to a school dance with a 1950s theme. Meanwhile, Matt begins working at the Mystic Grill to earn extra cash.
My quick bits:
Loooooved the 50s dance sequences! The makeup and costumes for this episode really made this episode a fun one.
Isabel-1 = Elena's "real" Mom
Isabel-2 = Alaric's wife
Isabel-1 = Isabel-2 ???
Awww, just when I was thinking Anna was a cute gal for Jeremy...
I coudn't find a picture of the actual vampire compass pocket watch to post here but I came across this instead...

at Brass Goggles
Super cool all-in-one, eh?
- it could possibly have a vampire compass reader in a secret compartment
Amusing quotes:
I am sorry it won't help you with your diabolical plan - the sequel.
-Stefan to Damon
Are you watching this show? and what did you think?
Watch any of the episodes online for free at Cast TV (click pic to view):
*image source
-my vampire eye-candy segment
-for my Vampire Diaries challenge
*part of Ms V's Vampire Week
*don't forget to enter the Vampire Haiku giveaway offer this week