Hi! Bookie Brunch is a weekly book chat for book lovers. A new Bookie Brunch posts every Sunday, and you're welcome to join any ongoing discussion whenever you like.
In the meantime, let's have some treats for Halloween. Just click on the badges at the end of the post, for a new treat. Note - The event begins on Oct. 23, so please feel free to drop by then. In the meantime...
I will share a bit of Japanese scariness - mwah - mwah - ha ha...
WATCH some J-horror...

thumbs up for scare factor
READ some splatterpunk...

by Koushun Takami
LISTEN to the Japanese version of This is Halloween...
CHECK this quite-scary Japanese costume ;-D

*Every Sunday*
Founder: Sasha Soren (Random Magic)
The first Bookie Brunch was held July 2011:
Check out that discussion
See all discussions
One fun Halloween treat is

Feel free to leave a comment if you like, on any of the cool blogs participating in the hop.
You're welcome to share your fave treat or some other cool link for Halloween. Thanks for dropping by, and...
Happy Halloween!
* image source Japanese costume, halloween cake pops