Our Alice takes a break from visiting stops in Whenland.
PRIZE: book of your choice from October Trix-n-Treatz book list and a surprize Alice-in-Wonderland-related item.
-offer ends November 13, 2011
I shall post a challenge task each day through Oct 31.
You MUST complete all 5 tasks:
links will be provided for these as the posts go live
task 1: Journey
task 2: Pioneers
task 3: Gateway - see task below
task 4: Laurel Line
task 5: signup form
TASK: (2-parts)

The Story of a Short Line Railroad
The Scranton, Dunmore, Moosic Lake Railroad
by Alan and Judy Sweeney
Gateway to the Clouds is a story of the Scranton, Dunmore, Moosic Lake Railroad. From narrow and standard gauge steam railroading to the electric trolley, readers will ride the pages of this interesting segment (1902-1926) of Northeastern Pennsylvania history. The authors tell the story of the dream of two Irish immigrants to find a place that would allow for recreation and serve as an escape after a strenuous work week.
1. WATCH Book Trailer for this: