by Sasha Soren
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~
Lounging deliciously on a comfortable divan in a secluded nook was a convivial young toff wearing a modish ensemble, having a leisurely chat over refreshments with Mrs. Bennet...
Red Velvet Blazer, or R.V.B., has slipped from the pages of Random Magic to attend Pemberley Ball.
Our indolent and charming friend is as sleekly groomed as a cat, with the same feline grace and hidden claws.
His modus operandi is best summed up with a reference to social gadabout Alice Roosevelt Longworth’s puckish invitation, ‘If you can't say something nice about someone -- come sit here by me.’
Shall we listen to a quick bit of their conversation? Yes, let’s!
‘Baccarat? Oh, no, dear lady. How tiresome.’
He stopped to plump up a tasseled pillow, settling himself lazily to people-watch at his leisure.
‘Hmph,’ said Mrs. Bennet, snapping her painted fan shut, ‘and what I should say is--
oooh,’ she started, interrupting herself.
She snatched up a hastily acquired quizzing glass lent her for the evening by the amiable Lady Vee.
‘Isn’t that--yes, it is that Mr. Darcy. So disagreeable.’ She sniffed. ‘But such a marvelous profile.’
‘Much more marvelous from over here.’
‘But we’re across the room.’
‘Behind a shrubbery. One can hardly see what horrid thing everyone is wearing. Such a silly place for refreshments, tucked away behind a pillar in a faux Venetian garden. And these ridiculous topiaries, as well,’ she said, swatting at one with her fan.
‘I’ve always been mad for topiaries. Such charming conversationalists.’
‘They don’t talk, they merely stand there and look pretty.’
‘There, you see? Charming.’
He stopped to enjoy another sip of Kir Royale, and contemplated a tray of sweets. Ratafia cakes and rosewater marchpane, along with more exotic candied violet petits fours and darling marrons glacés additionally steeped in cognac…
It was far too difficult to choose between such delights. He finally plucked up a gilt-edged tidbit of fluted chocolate.
‘Oh, and here’s Lady Tewstone-Darling,’ he said, brushing off a speck of gilt from his immaculate cravat. ‘She’s suffered an appalling tragedy and we must be very kind to her.’
‘But what tragedy?’
‘Darling, that dress. It’s just happened to her.’
‘But I’ve heard it’s all the rage in Paris, this season.’
‘What is, pet? Lunacy?’
‘That wonderful jonquil satin, such cheery paisley -- all those tambour work flounces and such imposing sleeves. Enchanting dress. Simply enchanting.’
‘Astonishing. That’s not a dress, it’s an untoward event. Praline?’
And here we have more of darling R.V.B., having a rare night in at his club, in this excerpt from the prologue of Random Magic:
“Ohhhh…” Red Velvet breathed, coming over all goosepimply, “I’d hate to think it was someone we knew,” he said, a bald-faced lie. “That would be ghastly.”
“Ghastly,” Mimple agreed. “We’d have to wait until Monday for the newspaper to come out to get all the details.”
He coughed discreetly. “Unfortunate, I mean to say, erm…Tragic…”
“Details,” Red Velvet murmured, lighting his pipe with a pleasant grunt. “Yes,” he said, puffing, “but one does want to be informed. Not the gruesome, unsavory tidbits, of course, but,” puff, “you know -- world events, that sort of thing.”
“Quite,” Mimple said, and turned down another page in his newspaper.
Red Velvet Blazer settled back comfortably into his worn leather chair, put his slippered feet up on the matching ottoman, and puffed away contentedly.
More R.V.B. can be found in Random Magic:
Find the book
Watch the trailer
And now, lovelies, perhaps you’d like to meet some of the other guests. It’s been so delightful to make your acquaintance, and everyone looks just splendid.
Absolutely ravishing, all the pretty dresses and dashing uniforms and evening attire!
Indeed, so ravishing that even R.V.B. has nothing but marvelous things to say…for the moment. He’s far too busy selecting choice tidbits for his bosom companion, Lady Tewstone-Darling. And some sweets, of course.
The Party Scouts by Sasha Soren
Darcy post created for Pemberley Ball by Sasha Soren
© 2010. All rights reserved.
by Sasha Soren
~-~-~-~-~ guest ~-~-~-~-~

Party prize: Gift wrapped copy of Random Magic by Sasha Soren
Open to all.
Offer ends: December 1, 2010
TO DO (3-parts):
1. Sign the Pemberley Ball Guestbook (if you haven't already)
2. Commit to a review on your blog, repost appreciated to Amazon, B&N or GoodReads, etc. (your choice) for December 2010 or January 2011.
3. Share your answer to just one of the questions below (Please just pick out whichever you prefer -- you’re welcome to answer more if you’d like, but only one response asked for Random Magic party prize.):
a. What’s your favorite sweet treat?
b. What will R.V.B. drink after his glass of champagne?
c. Which Jane Austen character would be a perfect party companion for R.V.B., and why?
d. Who’s the most charming guest (Jane Austen character) you’ve met at Pemberley Ball, and what do you plan for the evening?
e. Read ‘Casting Random Magic’ (http://tinyurl.com/2353r2r) and then share a link here to an image or gallery that shows how you personally visualize R.V.B. Can also choose from this gallery of dandies: http://tinyurl.com/ktye99
f. Take the Random Magic character quiz (http://tinyurl.com/2cqeats) and share which of the characters is your evil twin…
Bonus point(s):
+1 for sharing link to this page on Twitter
+2 for a blog post with: link to this page and Random Magic cover art with Amazon link (http://tinyurl.com/235q29u)
+2 for blog post with: embedded trailer (http://tinyurl.com/yl26xwa) and link to this page

* image source rvb