Bought (free kindle):
For the Pemberley Ball, Nov 18-20, get your invitation here

A Companion Volume to Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice
by Rebecca Collins
this ebook kindle version is currently free - go get yours!

by Lydia Dare
this ebook kindle version is currently free - go get yours!
For Review & Giveaway:

by Phoebe Tsang
courtesy of publisher
and part of the Green Books campaign
Thanks Raz!
signup for giveaway
Also for the Pemberley Ball...

by Enid Wilson
Thanks Enid!
giveaway will be available during the Pemberley Ball
* per usual, check out the sidebar for my current giveaways to you
* image from Leafcutter Designs - world's smallest postal service
* In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren and inspired by Pop Culture Junkie. A post where we share books acquired via mailbox, library, store, etc.