Greetings and welcome to the Pemberley Ball 2010!
It will be a kind of role-playing interactive blog game. What is this you ask? Basically, I (or actually my Regency persona, Lady Vee or her daughter, Miss Tina) will be posting festivities and comments for you to participate in throughout the next three days - up to 5 posts between 5am to 3pm pst.
As guests, you can react and comment to the posts with your persona character. So be as creative as you like.
Please sign the guestbook here or below to enter all giveaways for this event. Note: you may have to tab down through the form to view the SUBMIT button.

Today's posts will include Darcy's who are bachelors. Ladies, don't be shy. Feel free to speak openly with any of them via comments. Who knows, he may then ask you to dance.
* Unfortunately Lady Charlotte of The Book on the Hill will not be catering the event with her delightful recipes this year. She will be missed. She was last called to cater for the Mansfield Park Murder Mystery Dinner and has not been seen since. hmmm. It's a mystery, indeed.
* image source quill and parchment
Bit o'sip sip gossip...
by Rebecca Ann Collins
giveaway from Debbie's Book Bag
-ends November 25, 2010