hosted by The Book Vixen
January 1 to December 31, 2011
Signup & Details
participant links:
jan - feb - mar - apr - may - jun
jul - aug - sep - oct - nov - dec
Signing up for my first challenge for 2011.
I thought this one had an interesting twist in regards to reading military-related books.
The goal is to read as many novels that involve men in inform as you’d like. It can be a policeman, firefighter, paramedic, Army, Navy, Marine Corp., etc. – As long as the leading man wears some sort of uniform, it counts. See the different levels below and pick the one that works best for you. Nothing is set in stone; you can change levels at any time during the challenge.
Sergeant – Read 1–5 men in uniform novels
Lieutenant – Read 6–10 men in uniform novels
Captain – Read 11–15 men in uniform novels
Chief – Read 16+ men in uniform novels
I shall call in for duty as a Lieutenant.
Book List:
(this shall be updated throughout the year)
Napoleonic wars:

Vol. Book 1: Aubrey/Maturin series
by Patrick O'Brian

by Jane Austen

by Amanda Grange

by Sarah Sundin

by Sarah Sundin

by Tony Earley

by Heather Graham
(Revolutionary War)
Steampunk Men in Uniform:
I'm in search for books in this niche to add on. Let me know if you have any to recommend.

* first spotted this at Ex Libris
* image source steampunk man in uniform