Saturday, November 15, 2014

Pemberley Ball 2014: Schedule


The servants will take your wraps and cloaks for safekeeping.

You can hear the music of several string players as you adjust your gown and hair.

Mr. Darcy's co-host of this glorious event, Lady Vee, wishes to appraise you of the party protocol...

Interactive posts and giveaways will appear throughout the 4-day event (5th day included - an epilogue) with 2-3 posts per day.

Feel free to partake in any or all of the festivities.

Comments can be reactions to the individual posts or can be a place to chit chat with other attendees and can include general descriptions of your state of being at this virtual party.

NOW, proceed towards the Ballroom to mingle and dance.

Please note: in this year's version of the Pemberley Ball, Mr. Darcy is an eligible bachelor and not yet enamored with Elizabeth Bennet. So, feel free to try to capture his eye during this event.


Schedule of events:
details and links will be filled in after posted
per usual links are also on the sidebar

Pre-Pemberley Ball:

RSVP - please do so, if you have not already


Pre-Pemberley Ball: Traveling to Jane Austen's England

Pre-Pemberley Ball: Servants at Longbourn

Pre-Pemberley Ball: The Road to Pemberley

November 15:



November 16:



Mr. Darcy, I Presume

November 17:

Mr. Darcy, the Young

Mr. Darcy, another Young


Drawing Room

November 18:

Special Guest: Syrie James, author of Jane Austen's First Love



November 19:


Post Epilogue

Post Apocalyptic Epilogue

November 30: Giveaways end (unless otherwise specified)

Announcement: winners in December

December 16: Meet me for Jane Austen's birthday!

GUESTS in attendance:
this list will be updated as guests arrive...

Duchess DeBorde with possible appearance of Leggs (aka MAD from Mary Ann DeBorde Writes and Reads!)

Miss Avis Dunbar (Lori from Psychotic State Book Reviews)

Lady Freda Fluffinstuff (aka Freda from Freda's Voice)

Lady Genoviece Greenly (aka Taswmom)

Miss Phillipa Hodge (aka Ashfa from Bookish Musings)

Lady Bianca Hyde (aka Midnight Cowgirl from Happy.Pretty.Sweet)

Princess LĂșthien (aka LĂșthien of My Love for Jane Austen)

Honorable Miss Sophia Maitland (aka Sophia from Delighted Reader)

Lady Christine Pepperton (aka Kristi Van Howling)

Agnes Wilby (aka Mary Preston)


Mr. Darcy
played by Alan Badel
Pride and Prejudice (1958)

Mr. Darcy wants to know…

What is your favorite Jane Austen novel?


* image source: event badge, Mr. Darcy

* revisit the past Pemberley Ball 2009, 2010, 2011

* What is a virtual book event? a celebration of books and authors that are in keeping with a theme which may include guest posts and giveaways. Audience participation is highly encouraged and most welcome.

Imagination Designs
Images from: Lovelytocu