ended October 31, 2014
Thanks to all contestants!
Deadly Odds by Allen Wyler
Winner: Raquel Muniz
Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley
Winner: lynn croxton
The Sharp Hook of Love by Sherry Jones
Winner: Lexie Linn
The Bodies We Wear by Jeyn Roberts
Winner: Freda of Freda's Voice
Winner: Natalie Solis of I Sold My Soul For Books
Frostbitten by Heather Beck
Winner: Sophia Rose of Delighted Reader
Queen of Hearts: The Wonder by Colleen Oaks
Winner: Courtney Whisenant
For Spooktacular Giveaway HOP, Oct 15-31:
Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix
Winner: Lisa Mandina of Lisa Loves Literature
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness
Winner: smiles
* to see the original giveaway offer, click on the signup link
* I will email winners for mailing addresses within two weeks.
Winners, feel free to contact me with your info if you don't get my email
or if you are just too darn excited and want to let me know -- like NOW ;-D
* contest policy
* keep in touch with my giveaways and learn about other book giveaways by subscribing via email on my sidebar (you may want to go digest mode)
* if not this time, maybe next time
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