Friday, January 1, 2010

Winners - December giveaways

Here are the winners for giveaways that
ended December 31, 2009.

Thanks to all contestants!

Winners were selected with the name-out-of-the-hat method, or hand-picked.

I will email winners for mailing addresses. Winners, feel free to contact me with your info if you don't get my email.

Hole-y Mac!
This was THE giveaway of the year on my blog

with the most comment entries of the year - a whopping 168 !

Ummm, did y'all know that zombies could be included in the box? All I can say is that you were warned. Be prepared. Have you been keeping up with the #1 rule (cardio) from the movie Zombieland?

Winner #1: Jenna of A Read in The Life

Winner #2: Gnoe of Graasland
check out Gnoe's box here

What a nice bunch o'bloggers!

Naughty & Nice results:

53% said they were Nice

13% said they were Nice with some naughtiness

13% Plead the 5th

10% did not answer

7% said they were Naughty

4% said they were Too Nice


Winner: Mary of Mary Anne DeBorde Writes



The games have ended and the winners can bask in their glory.

Please note: the book release date for book 3 is August 24, 2010. So, I will not be able to mail it to you until then. So winners who wanted this, just continue to bask.

Career pack 1:

Yan of Books By Their Cover
(winner of book 3)

Sharon of Sharon Loves Books and Cats
(winner of book 3)

Megan of BookMac
(winner of book 3)

Because I was so amused by their fight scenario, I've chosen a couple more winners:

Power Partners:

Charlotte of The Book on the Hill
(winner of book 1)

My weapon would be my vanilla and chocolate cupcakes. No one can resist them. Even a mean and crazy hyena would melt.

Brizmus of Brizmus Blogs Books
(winner of book 3)

I battled cryptids even though I didn't previously know what they were. Charlotte and I first battled and subdued the abominable snowman with Charlotte's wicked cupcakes.

Now, we will take on the wild pongo, and once again with food. He will be taken down by hufu, which is human flesh flavored tofu.

As mentioned, I have picked Charlotte from The Book on the Hill as my ally. I learned the first time around this she is a vicious fighting machine, and it will be good to have her reminding me that, just because what we are fighting against is adorable does not mean that we should be lenient.


Winner: Lori of Psychotic State

To avoid sightings, Jane (as vampire) most likely moved from England to live in obscurity.

So, I asked contestants: Where do you think Jane is living in the present day?

Lori's response:
I think Jane is probably living in Bon Temps, where vampires have come out of the coffin, and maybe she's even waitressing at Merlotte's with Sookie.

I wish I could everyone a book because there were so many good imagine-ing going on with this contest.

Here are a few amusing entries I must share:

Em of Em's Bookshelf says:

I think Jane is living in Florida. She moonlights as a cocktail waitress to make ends meet and to allow her to have the days open to write spin-offs. She's perfectly at home in modern day times and her most successful spin-off was "Mr. Darcy Takes A Wife" (it's also her favorite b/c it allowed her to say all those things she couldn't say 200 years ago).

Shawna of The Blind Cupid says:

Jane works for the blood drive and goes from city to city poking people and then taking their blood. But I heard not long ago there were some missing Blood bank vans and they can't find them...hmmmm...I wonder

Steph of Steph Bowe's Hey! Teenager of the Year says:

She's living in outback Australia, in an underground house in an opal mining community, and subsisting on kangaroo blood.


Winner: Brizmus of Brizmus Book Blogs

Please note: the book release date is January 26, 2010. So, I will not be able to mail it to you until then.
Imagination Designs
Images from: Lovelytocu