Jane Bites Back
by Michael Thomas Ford
Release date: December 29, 2009
Although it is for sale at amazon.com there is no cover image and description available, yet.
Description from Publisher's Weekly:
The novel presents an undead Jane Austen, frustrated by nearly 200 years of writer's block and 116 rejections of an unpublished novel she finished just before turning into a vampire; she's becoming increasingly irritated that the rest of the world seems to be getting rich and famous off of her works and her life.
My thoughts:
What a hoooooooooooot!
So, our sweet Jane could be undead and un-living among us?!?
She could even be writing some the off-shoot Austen books we've been reading under a pseudonym!?!
I want this book.
OK, I'm game. I've got Austen fever. I'll do another giveaway.
If you'd like a copy of this book answer me this in the comments below:
To avoid sightings, Jane (as vampire) most likely moved from England to live in obscurity.
Where do you think Jane is living in the present day?
Entries: open to all countries
Deadline: Monday, December 28, 2009, 8pm PST December 31, 2009

by Michael Thomas Ford
Winner announced: Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The winner will also be contacted via email and the prize will be mailed within a week of receiving mailing address.
This is definitely the year of Jane Austen. Thanks to the Everything Austen Challenge hosted by Stephanie's Written Word for sharing the Austen love.
Contest has ended - winner is here
Contest has ended - winner is here