Sunday, February 22, 2009

vvb32 reads - welcome

This is my first book blog in which I will start off by sharing thoughts on V.C. Andrews books. I hope to expand into sharing other books read in the future.

Here is a shot of my bookshelves. They are made up of IKEA units. These cubes house a variety of books which is mostly of fiction. One cube is devoted to the Harry Potter series and another is for Paperback swap. Because of a recent move, the rest of my books are still housed in boxes in the garage.

As you can see from my posts in March, I started posting YA book reviews. From reading YA book bloggers who are also part of the V.C. Andrews book challenge, a spark for YA books was lit in me. I usually read an eclectic bunch of fiction (YA being one of my favorite genres). However, I decided to focus on and contribute to the YA book blog world because of its infectious fun!

So, please visit me from time to time to check out my latest posts and leave me a comment.

What is YA?

Wikipedia says:
Young-adult fiction, whether in the form of novels or short stories, has distinct attributes that distinguish it from the other age categories of fiction: Adult fiction, Middle Grade Fiction, and Children's Fiction. The vast majority of YA stories portray an adolescent as the protagonist, rather than an adult or a child. The subject matter and story lines are typically consistent with the age and experience of the main character, but beyond that YA stories span the entire spectrum of fiction genres. The settings of YA stories are limited only by the imagination and skill of the author. Themes in YA stories often focus on the challenges of youth, so much so that the entire age category is sometimes referred to as problem novels or coming of age novel. YA novels are often as short as 16000 words. Writing styles of YA stories range widely, from the richness of literary style to the clarity and speed of the unobtrusive. Despite its unique characteristics, YA shares the fundamental elements of fiction with other stories: character, plot, setting, theme, and style.

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