I got off work early to pick up a copy of Flowers in the Attic at the local library this afternoon. Yipee! It is an August 2005 printed edition. The cover is bright and cheery - very unlike the original keyhole edition I owned long ago. I miss the deep, dark and sinister look of that 1979 edition which you can view at the Complete V.C. Andrews site (VCA). You can also see the rough sketches, paintings, and photo shoot pictures there.
While checking out fellow participants of this challenge at The Chick Manifesto, I came across a great portrait drawing of the four Dollanganger children by Farahnq inspired by this book. Also, came across a participant who is doing a vlog on his V.C. Andrews experience at Book Chic. And, another participant got a used copy with highlighted passages at Monty On Movie Novelizations.
Oooh, interesting to see that V.C. Andrews dedicated Flowers in the Attic to her mother. And, it said that her mother never read any of her books!?!
I liked the inside cover teasers to the series:
Be sure to read the entire shocking story of the Dollanganger Family:
The saga begins with ... Flowers in the Attic
The secrets are unleashed in ... Petals on the Wind
The darkest desires take root ... If There Be Thorns
And the scandals are busind with ... Seeds of Yesterday
Then discover where the family sins were first planned, in a ... Garden of Shadows
Okay, now it's time to get down to some reading.