Wednesday, February 7, 2018

The Snow Job: The Great Game by Jenni Ferchenko

The Snow Job:
The Great Game
by Jenni Ferchenko

Find out more about this book and author:

Just released: February 1, 2018
Publisher: Clink Street Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Russia
Paperback: 340
Rating: 3

First sentence(s):
There is nothing which you might not hear.

When young associate Katya Kuznetsova loses her job at Lehman Brothers in London, she takes up a new investment banking role in Moscow, Russia. Determined to succeed, Katya finds herself trapped by her lifestyle.

At the same time she tries to prove her self-worth but subconsciously engages in self-punishment, including ever more destructive sex, alcohol and drug abuse.

Eventually, things get out of control, leading to the dreadful consequences Katya is trying to fix, humiltating herself and losing everything she owns; but she finds something, which was always there, she just couldn't see it, something priceless...


My two-bits:

I found this to be a convoluted story with shady dealings, financial doings and steamy sex scenes.

The characters were varied, they felt flat which made them unlikable. But there is some character growth which pulled me along.


* review copy courtesy of book tour

Imagination Designs
Images from: Lovelytocu