Lovely Books and Things
My Weekly Books and Films Update
Linking up with:
Sunday Post (details)
Mailbox Monday (details)
1. Dewey's 24 hour Reverse Readathon (Aug 7-8) - liked this format better as it starts and ends in the afternoon.
2. Creating a summer themed mood board for the month.
3. Spotted a Stormtrooper on my walk.
Well, hello...

Boyfriend Material
by Alexis Hall | Romance, LGBTQ | Goodreads
A pre-order from Third Street Books came with a Rom Com Activity booklet.
Freebies: from Free Little Library

by Truman Capote
Classics, Literary | Goodreads
Library: audiobook

by Edith Wharton
narrated by Isabella Howell
Classics, Romance | Goodreads
For Review:

Prospects of a Woman
by Wendy Voorsanger
courtesy of October blog tour -Thanks!
Western, Historical | Goodreads
Virtual Author event: hosted by Booksmith
Listen to archive of this and check out their calendar for future free author events (here)
Tune in Tuesdays 11am pst VIRTUAL: ZYZZYVA & The Booksmith Present: Lockdown Lit @ Lunch
A conversation between:

The Son of Good Fortune
by Lysley Tenorio
Contemporary, Filipino American | Goodreads

Members Only
by Sameer Pandya
Contemporary, Indian American | Goodreads
Virtual Author event: hosted by Book Passages
Listen to archive of this and check out their calendar for future free author events (here)

Dead Land
by Sara Paretsky
Mystery, Crime | Goodreads
AND watched: virtual theatre for SFFILM Hong Kong Cinema (here)

Mad World (2016)
Yat nim mou ming (original title)
Director: Chun Wong
Writer: Florence Chan
Stars: Shawn Yue, Eric Tsang, Elaine Jin
Drama, Hong Kong, on Netflix | imdb | my rating: 5
A mentally ill stockbroker struggles to reconcile with his estranged father and his perturbed ex-fiancée.
SENSITIVE topic is tackled with interesting perspectives.
* comment and TELL me what you have acquired for your shelves recently
Shelter In Place - Day 146, Week 22
Stay healthy! Be safe!
Thanks for stopping by :-)