Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Watsons by Jane Austen and Rose Servitova

The Watsons
by Jane Austen and Rose Servitova

Published: October 2019
Publisher: Wooster Publishing
Genre: Historical, Romance, Jane Austen theme
Paperback: 256
Rating: 4

First sentence(s):
The first winter assembly in the town of Dorking in Surrey was to be held on Tuesday, October 13th and it was generally expected to be a very good one.

The Watsons by Jane Austen & Rose Servitova is the tale of four sisters as they seek security, love and happiness in a world where the most important decisions affecting their lives, are not always theirs to make. It is a book about relationships, freedom and personal empowerment.

After a fourteen year absence, Emma Watson, presumed heiress, is returned penniless to her family. As she becomes reacquainted with her sisters, she sees how their future prospects hinge on the health of their clergyman father and the humour of their brothers.

At the first ball of the season, Emma draws the attention of the party from Osborne Castle thus unleashing a series of events which see Emma’s choices clashing with those around her and the fall-out which occurs as a result. How does she appease the wrong she has committed in others’ eyes without creating a greater one in her own?

My two-bits:
Dirty dancing (well kinda - two dances with the same dude), witty dialogue, urgent letters and creepy stalking vibe creates some action and tension in this regency themed piece.

Also, looking for love (and independence) versus looking for appropriate matches plays heavy in this story.

Within is an amusing discussion on lady authors.

If this story reflected some of Jane's life, I can see why it would have been hard to write.


* review copy courtesy of tour (see schedule here)
Imagination Designs
Images from: Lovelytocu