ended May 31, 2013
Thanks to all contestants!
WINNERS from Tea at Pemberley event:
Darcy and Fitzwilliam: A tale of a gentleman and an officer by Karen Wasylowski
Winner: AimeeKay of AimeeKay's Reviews & Other Awesome Randomness!
The Disappearance of Georgiana Darcy by Regina Jeffers
Winner for ebook: Maria of Chocolate Onion
Winner for print: Freda of Freda's Voice
Headstrong Girls: A bit of mystery, a bit of love, all inspired by Jane Austen by Debra Anne Watson, June Williams, Enid Wilson
Winner: Vesper Meikle
Pirates and Prejudice by Kara Louise
Winner: cyn209
Sons and Daughters by Karen Wasylowski
Winner: Marlene
Mr. Darcy Tea (easter egg giveaway)
Winner: Juju of Tales of Whimsy
WINNERS from Flappers at Floyd's event:
Bright Young Things: A Modern Guide to the Roaring Twenties by Alison Maloney
Winner: Carrie of In the Hammock Blog
Bright Young Things by Anna Godbersen
Winner: Gisele of A Life with Hobbies
Call Me Zelda by Erika Robuck
Winner: divavixenqueen
The Diviners by Libba Bray
Winner: Isa of Chasing Quills
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Winner: Kristia
The Scrapbook of Frankie Pratt: A Novel in Pictures by Caroline Preston
Winner: Erin
Winner: Heather - please email me to claim this prize as i do not have your email by June 7
Winner: Sophia Rose
Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald by Therese Anne Fowler
Winner: Amber Terry of Fear Street
* easter egg giveaways: are surprise giveaways embedded in posts that sometimes have an egg image at the bottom or simply hints at a giveaway for comments participation throughout the event or just because i'm feeling generous
* to see the original giveaway offer, click on the prize title links
* I will email winners for mailing addresses within two weeks.
Winners, feel free to contact me with your info if you don't get my email
or if you are just too darn excited and want to let me know -- like NOW ;-D
* contest policy - has been updated to say that winners MUST comment on this post to claim their prize and reply to my email with address info (as needed)
* keep in touch with my giveaways and learn about other book giveaways by subscribing via email on my sidebar (you may want to go digest mode)
* if not this time, maybe next time
* check out the current giveaways and upcoming events on my sidebar