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Grab a copy of the photo above and link back to my blog. Share with the rest of us your passion for France. Did you read a good book set in France? See a movie? Take a photo in France? Have an adventure? Eat a fabulous meal or even just a pastry? Or if you're in France now, go ahead and lord it over the rest of us. We can take it
Maybe we can all satisfy our yearnings for France, until we get there again.
Today I will feature a movie I saw during the French Cinema Now Fall film presentation.
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Belgium/Luxembourg/France 2012
Directed by: François Pirot
Arthur Dupont as Simon
Guillaume Gouix as Julien
My rating: 5
Two best friends living in the Belgian countryside conjure up a scheme for leaving town in this sly debut feature. Simon and Julien are handsome girl chasers, handicapped by the fact that they are out of work and living with their parents. Using money that his folks had set aside for his future, Simon decides to buy the titular vehicle and asks his best pal to join him on the road toward new adventures and locales. What ensues is a marvelous comedy of errors involving vehicular malfunctions, financial difficulties and female temptations. As the two pals, actors Guillaume Gouix and Arthur Dupont have terrific rapport, and the film offers a bittersweet message about friendship and the search for home.
My two-bits:
As the subtitle feature was not synced I watched over half of the movie in french. With basic high school french under my belt I was clueless as to what was actually said. BUT, the gist of what was going on was evident. It was a coming of age story that was told with likable characters.
AND then, the subtitles kicked in and things became crystal. Made me want to get a move on and start french language lessons soon.