by Ernesto Pavan
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Published: February 23, 2017
Publisher: self
Genre: Dark Humor, Zombies
Rating: 3
First sentence(s):
It started like a bad influenza — one that game me constant, terrible headaches, made my muscles feel like wet rags, and prevented me from holding anything in my stomach.
For deadpan snark queen Violet Sharpe, death is not the end.
If you think life sucks, wait until after you're dead. After finding out she's contracted porthmeos, a nasty parasite, Violet is faced with a choice: either meet her end before her thirtieth birthday, or become one of the Revived, which is the politically correct word for... well, a zombie.
But the challenges of her new un-life are way worse than she thought. As part of a new minority, she faces discrimination and hatred, not to mention a laundry list of physical limitations and the looming ghost of depression. Can she meet these challenges with her usual strength and dark humor? Or is being Revived a fate worse than death?
My two-bits:
Some of these zombies had a choice before becoming zombified. This story takes you into the life a such a creature. The issues that arise from being a functioning zombie are tackled moreso than stereotypical "braaaaains" zombie action.
Living with a decaying body (mind still intact) and its complications made me think of people who go through cancer or a long term illness.
Makes you wonder - If the price to living is a gradual decay, is it worth it?
* review copy courtesy of author
* May - Happy zombie awareness month!